Sunday, November 25, 2007

Plan and Build Computer Network

ICAITS029B Install network hardware to a network
ICAITS021C Connect internal hardware components
ICAITS030B Install software to networked computers
ICAITS116B Undertake capacity planning

Question 1: What is meant by capacity planning in information technology?

Answer Suggestion:

Capacity Planning is the activity relating to the management of the information communication infrastructure to ensure that the output of the facility is maximized and the input is minimized.

The activity involves the use of tools to measure inputs and outputs that may be competing. Constraints come in the form of labour, material availability, equipment utilization and limited space. Planning, the use of mathematical models and flexibility in resource utilization is needed
Capacity planning in information communication technology systems is needed when:
Starting a new system, or a service organization
Extending the operations of an existing business system.
Considering additions/modifications to the system
Introducing new techniques, equipment and materials

Question 2: What are some of the factors that capacity planning needs to consider?

Answer Suggestion:
Bottlenecks that will determine the capacity for any particular stage of the process.
Peak demand rate

Communication Bandwidth
Load balance within the system
Existing Hardware and scalability
Technology changes in hardware and software

Question 3: Briefly describe the following terms

a. Design Capacity

Answer Suggestion:

Target output level
Note: It could be reached or exceeded in practice.
It is the agreed % between vendor contractor and customer of the system

b. Effective Capacity

Answer Suggestion:

It is the actual capacity to reflect current conditions.
Note: could be less than or more than design capacity.
Required because of; limited resources, increased equipment breakdowns when run at higher capacity for long periods and the impact of the environment.

c. Utilization

Answer Suggestion:
Measures use of resources i.e actual running time.
Measure as % of effective capacity.
Note: measurement is often different between organizations and systems.

d. Yield

Answer Suggestion:
Measures output of product in % against equivalent, potential or maximum products or systems’ input.

Question 4: What are the stages in capacity planning?

Answer Suggestion
1. Analyse existing system capacity
2. Determine future capacity requirements
3. Plan for capacity enhancement
4. Install capacity enhancements

Question 5: Describe some of the commerce site metrics in capacity planning for a business that is moving into e-commerce.

Answer Suggestion

a. Hits: Results of multiple hits from the browser to the Web server

A hit is any request from the browser to the Web server this includes requests for dynamic content, images, or streamed video

b. Average hits per page: The average number of Web server hits per page.

The suggested configurations used stores with 1 hit per page. The test tool did not load any images, nor did it use frames. The test tool only made one HTTP request per page.

c. Commerce/non-commerce page ratio

Most pages are generated by issuing a database query and rendering the results by using JSP (Java Server Page) templates.

Typical stores also contain some static content, such as HTML page requests. The suggested configurations did not contain any requests for purely static pages. Static pages are served at roughly the same rate as static images.

Requests for static pages can be ignored in capacity planning, if the ratio of dynamic requests to static requests is fairly high. A site which serves two dynamic pages for every static page can be sized without regard for the static pages.

This is because dynamic pages require substantially more resources to serve.

d. Database size

The database size affects performance of the system. Sites that include many shoppers, merchants, or catalogue items usually cannot serve requests as quickly as those that do not.

Various factors will affect the throughput of the system, including database tuning, hardware capacity, and physical topology.

e. Megabytes of data that are served per unit of time
It is important to plan your site to have sufficient resources for serving expected network throughput. This includes sizing all firewall, routing, and other network components to be able to handle the peak workload expected of your site. The suggested configurations can be measured using a full duplex 100 Mbps Ethernet between the load generator and Web server.

A 100 Mbps switch can be used between the Web server and database server.

It must be noted that added equipment results in the Internet communication being significantly slower.

If the site is running web casts or real time audio, this will demand bandwidth. This has to be taken into account in the overall capacity planning solution.

f. Performance Test Scripts

The commands executed affect system workload.

Te set up and the commands run as part of performance tests can be like the following.


A basic store that contains a set of use cases commonly used in shopping model:

– New shopper registration
– Registered shopper logon
– Browse categories, products, and items
– Add item to shopping cart
– View shopping cart with tax and shipping details
– Modify quantity of items in the shopping cart
– Delete items from the shopping cart
– Checkout by entering billing and shipping information

A script to generate the following:

– Up to 5 000 categories
– Up to 50 000 items
– Up to 50 000 registered customers
– Up to 50 000 orders

A script to simulate various shopper scenarios
– Browse
– Add
– Prepare
– Buy

A script to define the regular shopping mix

The regular shopping mix depends on two variables:
1. Customer type
New registered customer
Existing registeGuest shopper

2. Shopping flow


Visit the home page

Logon using registered customer id (existing registered customer only) or register as a new customer (new registered customer only

Select “Multiple Category Display” then “Multiple Product Display”

Browse and Add

Browse, and then randomly add one, two, or three items to the shopping cart.

Browse and Prepare

Browse and add, then enter address book information (guest shopper only) or specify which address to use (new registered customer or existing registered customer).

Browse and Buy

Browse and prepare, then display order information. Enter a credit card number with expiry date, finally submit the order.

Question 6: Describe some of the differences in a corporate site as against a high-end e-commerce site that directs the activities for capacity planning red customer

Yield is concerned with avoidable and unavoidable losses due to downtime as a result of system or equipment problems. qqq

Question 7: Describe the steps in capacity planning for your organization that has moved onto e-commerce utilization of computer systems

Answer Suggestion


1: Complete a worksheet with calculated system capacity metrics.
2: Select the number of server tiers
3: Determine requirements for availability
4: Select hardware
5: Configure the appropriate number of disk drives
6: Configure memory for each system
7: Configure the network requirements
8: Is a separate Payment Manager server required?
9: Is a separate server required for search?
10: Will a Staging server be used?

Capacity planning information

Capacity planning is the key to a well-oiled, smooth-running data center, helping IT organizations to:

*Accurately and efficiently provision new applications
*Reduce, delay and sometimes completely avoid costs
*Justify upgrades with objective analyses
*Optimally configure systems to accommodate forecasted changes in business
*Migrate systems to take advantage of new technology
*Consolidate servers to simplify management and gain economies of scale
*Mitigate service delivery risk by playing out potential scenarios in advance, and then preparing for them

Capacity Planning Techniques

A variety of capacity planning techniques are available, each useful in its own right. TeamQuest provides tools for each of these techniques:
Trending uses simple extrapolation of resource utilization over time. The advantage of this technique is that it does not require sophisticated tools. A spreadsheet will do, but it can be difficult to take into account non-linear behavior buried deep within a multi-tiered system.
Linear TrendAnalysis
Linear trend analysis looks at historical data and projects a linear trend line into the future, applying upper and lower confidence intervals as well as a threshold at which resources will become inadequate. This capacity planning method is a quick sanity check and identifies over-utilized resources, but it does not allow for experimentation with different configurations.
Short TermAnalysis
Short term analysis identifies potential problems early by generating exception events (alarms) based on historical averages (rather than a fixed threshold) tied to a particular point in a periodic time interval. For example, if a particular resource averages 60% busy on Tuesdays and 50% busy on Thursdays, an exception event will only be generated when utilization crosses those thresholds on the respective days.
Simulation, a much more sophisticated capacity planning technique than trending, actually simulates the queuing events that occur during execution. The downside of simulation modeling is that it can be very time-consuming to build and run the models.

Analytic modeling uses mathematics to calculate how a queuing network will perform. To use analytic modeling, a baseline set of measurements is taken on a system and a model is then built based on a description of the system. Results from the model are compared with the baseline, and when they match, the model is considered calibrated. From there, hypothetical changes can be made to system configuration or business workloads, and the model will predict how the changes will affect performance. Done properly, analytic modeling is a fast and accurate capacity planning technique.
Analytic Modeling and Load Testing
Especially when rolling out new applications, it can be useful to use a load-testing tool in conjunction with an analytic modeling tool.
A load-testing tool can be used to simulate transactions coming from end users, or applications can be benchmarked on test systems to be certain they can support required service levels. However, time and cost considerations often make it prohibitive to conduct such tests on the actual hardware using production-level workloads. Full-sized machines and software are too costly to dedicate for testing purposes, and finding the optimal configuration through empirical testing can take a long time.
Instead, smaller but representative loads can be applied to a scaled-down set of test servers while performance analysis software takes a baseline reading of performance. Analytic modeling can then be used to rapidly predict how various configurations will perform under a production-level workload, all without the need to purchase the actual configurations under consideration. Analytic modeling is a cost-effective, fast and accurate alternative to brute-force testing.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Design Organizational Documents using Commercial Computing Packages

Design Organizational Documents using Commercial Computing Packages

On completion of this unit learners should be competent in creating documents and templates that meet client requirements.
They should have the ability to:
1. select the appropriate software
2. manage document design to reflect the needs of the client
3. provide support mechanisms for the client to use the documents effectively
4. store the documents in a form and location suitable for the client to use effectively.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange is the most common format for text files in computers and on the Internet
A bookmark is an item or location in a document that you identify and name for future reference
Desktop publishing
A software application used to combine graphics and text objects to produce high quality publications
A file that is usually printed off. It may consist of many pages
Document status
Where in the creation, use and updating of the document the information is up to
Expiry date
The date by which a document is no longer accurate or viable
Fault log
A listing of faults and remedies in a system to allow trends to be seen and rectified
A section at the bottom of a page that has consistent information that is the same on each printed page
A document created to provide a layout that a user can use to enter the required information
A section at the top of a page that has consistent information that is the same on each printed page
Help file
Usually an online document that is designed to give the user assistance in using an application
Hypertext Markup Language
Connection from a word, section of text, picture, or information object to another
A data store of items
A pre-printed shell used to identify commercial documents. It usually has the organization details and a logo. It may have a watermark to make unauthorized copying more difficult.
Meeting agenda
A list of the topics to be discussed at a future meeting
Meeting minutes
A document containing the results of discussions at a meeting. It is used to ensure that decisions and actions are recorded to avoid confusion.
Optical character recognition is the recognition of printed or written text characters by a computer
Print preview
Allows a developer to ascertain if a hard copy will print correctly
Repetitive Strain Injury is caused by long sessions involving the same physical movement
A scanner captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display
Style guide
A document created to identify the spelling, layout and common grammatical issues within an organisation
The destination of a link
Target audience
The intended viewers or users of the file(s) or the people intended to actually enter data when using the documents
A document that has some of the consistent elements already created such as headings, logo
A person who employs components of the system to complete a task
Version Control
A method used to ensure that the correct version of the document goes to the specific audience
A facility included in many commercial software applications which allows complex tasks to be automated for inexperienced users or to save time for “experts”
What you see is what you get. The printout is the same as the screen display


Templates and a consistent document format ensure that commercial documentation maintains a coherent look and “feel” across an organization. The use of consistent information (e.g. organization details, phone numbers etc) ensures accuracy across documents.
Templates also ensure that objects that are applied to a number of documents (eg an organization logo) can be stored in the one file location and dynamically linked within an organization’s network. This has many advantages. All documents have the same look and feel and if information needs to be updated, such as a new fax number, logo or email address, the new information needs to be updated only once.
Microsoft Office has several examples of templates. In MS Word there are templates for minutes, memos, faxes and resumes and other publications. These documents have a .dot extension. In MS Excel there are templates for invoices and finance related templates. These have a .xlt extension. Familiarize yourself with these standard templates.

Exercise 1
Questions 1 to 5 are short answer questions.
1. A template is available for most applications when you store them in a Templates Directory. What is the location of this directory on the computer you are using now?
To find where your template files are stored, use the find facility to look for *.dot files.
2. Describe some of the common tasks that are performed when creating a new template.
Your answer could include: -
a. setting up headers and footers
b. adding a logo
c. placing commercial information to create a letterhead
d. setting the default font and styles
e. setting page margins.

3. Touch typing is a useful data entry skill. What is touch typing?
Touch-typing is the skill of knowing where all of the keys are on a standard keyboard layout and using specific finger movements to most efficiently activate the appropriate key. It relies on having a standardised key layout and the concept of “home keys”.
4. What course of action should you take to prevent RSI?
RSI or Repetitive Strain Injury is caused by long sessions of the same movement as in the action of touch-typing. Regular rest breaks and ensuring that the fingers are moved through their full range of movement is a good method of avoiding this type of injury.

5. What does “confidential” mean when used in connection with commercial documentation?
“Confidential” refers to the fact that some documents are not intended for general distribution and may be protected to ensure that only the specified recipients are able to view the contents when online or via emails. In the past, hard copy documents could be kept locked away from public access. With the advent of networks and electronic storage the concept of confidentiality is more difficult to enforce.
6. Choose from the options below.
WYSIWYG means: -
a. what you see is what you get
b. the file is displayed on the screen as it is to be printed
c. the web layout of a printed page.
What you see is what you get. The acronym is a leftover from the first computer programs when they often showed only the code and the hard copy would display the actual code actions. This is similar to modern HTML where hello would display in a web browser as hello.

Answer True or False to the following questions.
7. A data entry person who uses a template to create a document should then save the file to the document template directory.
FALSE. If the files have been created from a template that is opened from the templates directory then the user is given the default option of saving the file as a document that they can name. If the template has been saved in other directories then they may have to use the Save As option.

8. A scanner can only digitise photographic images.
FALSE. Scanners are merely a device designed to digitise black and white areas or coloured areas of a scanned document. Graphics programs and Optical Character Recognition programs allow the digitised information to be manipulated correctly.
9. Each page of a printout is a separate file.
FALSE. This is a common mistake of new users of word processing software, especially where different topics are covered in the one document. Word processors are able to delineate page spaces effectively to create multi page documents.
10. There is an automatic facility to include page numbers in a document
TRUE / FALSETop of Form
TRUE. There are a number of scripted modules that allow text that is commonly used in documents to be included in the files using the appropriate metadata to update automatically (eg date, time printed page number).

Exercise 2

Multiple choice

1. Desk Top Publishing is:
a. a device used to create high quality printouts by ensuring that the paper size is accurately accounted for
b. a software application used to combine graphics and text objects to produce high quality publications
c. an organisation listing where the output to be printed on large printing presses using lead typeface
d. a type of commercial enterprise where they specialise in coffee table books of a high quality.
2. The Print Preview:
a. will appear different if an alternative printer is selected for the print job
b. allows a developer to ascertain if a hard copy will print correctly
c. allows a developer to ensure that all words are spelt correctly
d. ensures that the document will be readable when printed on orange paper.
3. A form is:
a. only available as a printed document
b. only available when using a database application
c. a document used to gather data from an audience
d. a document designed to lead a user in entering data to ensure consistency and accuracy of information.
4. Which of the following is a health hazard?
a. laser printer toner powder
b. ink jet printer ink
c. paper dust
d. All of the above.
5. Expiry date is:
a. the date by which a document needs to be removed from circulation
b. the date by which a project is to be completed
c. what happens when the manager finds out you didn’t put the ad in the Yellow Pages
d. the date by which a document is no longer accurate or viable.

Word Processing

To ensure that documents belonging to an organisation are consistent and include correct, relevant information (logo, contact details and text styles) we create a letterhead and style sheet. This ensures that the information will be placed correctly and appropriately in the document.

To create text documents on a computer we use a word processor rather than a text editor. A text editor stores the ASCII characters in a data table of character position and ASCII value. A word processor has a similar basic function, however each character has large amounts of metadata held in the array as well.

Touch typing is a good skill to possess – use a typing tutor program to practise such as TypeQuick or Typing Tutor. Touch-typing allows for the quick entry of original text data. If hard copy exists then scanning and OCR is often an appropriate method. Speech to text recognition software, such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking or Point and Speak Voice Recognition, can speed up the process of text entry for slow typists.

As most documents created in a word processor are meant to be viewed as hard copy (printed on paper) the basic word processing applications tend to be WYSIWYG. Use the Print Layout option on the View menu to see how the document will looked in printed format as you are creating it. This is important if you are drawing objects such as a flowchart.
Tip If you need to change the settings of the various document sections use the File - Page Set-up Menu.

Document Templates

To allow for quick development of complex documents and to keep uniformity within the commercial environment, templates are often created. You will need to create your own template to use as a basis for the rest of the task.

Exercise 3

1. What are some of the ways Help files aid new users unfamiliar with a software procedure?
Your answer could include the following points:
1. the ability to find out how to perform a specific task
2. to research how a task could be managed more efficiently
3. to solve a specific problem encountered while using the software.

2. Compare and contrast the two types of Help files available, namely printed booklets and online resources.
Your answer could include the following points:
1. Both types allow a user to find out how to solve problems with software applications or hardware devices.
2. Both are able to be referenced by using an index and a contents page.
3. Both are organised into passages that deal with related problems.
4. Online files are able to be searched for keywords efficiently.
5. Online resources are able to have wizards and macros attached to allow a user to see a procedure in a step by step fashion.
6. Paper based resources are able to be accessed even when the computer has frozen.
7. Paper based resources are able to be read anywhere, e.g. on public transport whereas online resources require access to computers and a network.

3. How would the language used differ for the different audiences you may have to deal with?
An experienced user will generally be looking for very specific information and will be able to comprehend technical terminology. New or inexperienced users will require simpler sets of instructions using less technical language. They would probably benefit from the more time consuming development of wizards and “how to” animations.

4. Define the term hyperlink.

A word, section of text, image or information object which has a connection to another.

5. What is a “target” when referring to links?
A “target” when referring to links is the destination of the link

6. Define the term “bookmark” in reference to linking.
A bookmark is an item or location in a document that you identify and name for future reference.

7. Why are bookmarks often used in templates and documents?
Book marks are used to automate data entry and to find information in documents. They are also used in table of contents and indexes.

8. Briefly describe the process of creating a bookmark in Microsoft Word.
Select the item you want to bookmark. On the Insert menu select Bookmark. Give your bookmark a name. Click Add.

9. Describe the process of saving a word processed document as a web document.
From the File menu select the Save as Web page option and give your document a name. The file is saved as .html.

10. Why do organisations often save their documents in both word processed format and web format?
To be able to publish documents on a network and on a intranet/internet.

Creating a form
Automated forms are widely used for data entry. The forms are designed so that the cursor moves to the next data entry point automatically. This saves time and there is less chance of entering incorrect data.
When a survey is being conducted the data is usually saved in a database. It is extremely important that the client fills in the details in the appropriate manner with complete accuracy.
Automated forms can be created to allow people to enter data into an online form and then: -

Spreadsheet Template
Spreadsheets are used to perform calculations. Often a data entry person will be required to enter figures that are used to produce mathematically complex results. In addition to this when wage calculations are considered there are privacy, security and accuracy issues to be dealt with. For these reasons it is often necessary to create a template for users to enter data into specific cells and then see only the results they are entitled to view.
Create a spreadsheet template
You will be required to create a spreadsheet that will calculate the wages of the employees of a section of a small organisation. The employees are only allowed to enter in the number of hours they have worked that week. The Section Manager is allowed to enter the base pay rate for the employees’ award, as well as the seniority pay scale. The Manager is also able to enter any overtime hours the employees work. You will need to password protect the template
An example of a possible spreadsheet is given for you to use as a basis for developing your own.